A social network for retired and serving Royal Australian Navy Officers

RANOPS is open to all serving or retired Royal Australian Navy officers of the permanent force. 

RANOPS’ mission is to meet approximately every six weeks for lunch, spin tall tales and true, have a good time and generally wind down with a bunch of mates.

The RANOPS program coordinators meet at the beginning of each year to set the lunch program.  The objective is to vary the location and menu to allow as many members as possible to attend at least one or two functions. 

The RANOPS coordinators for 2025 are:

* Richard McMillan

* Bob Luxton

* Gary Northern

* Bob Van-Kempen 

Remember: If you would like a web site included in the list on this page, please use the contact form on this site.

Heads Up!

What's New

Our Mission

Last revised:  20 March 2025

The next lunch will be on ANZAC Day at the Ship Inn South Brisbane. Bob Van-Kempen will be our coordinator.

The email invitation will be out soon.