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Global strategic foresight 2024

Atlantic Council

By Mary Kate Aylward, Peter Engelke, Uri Friedman, and Paul Kielstra

Source: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/content-series/atlantic-council-strategy-paper-series/welcome-to-2034-what-the-world-could-look-like-in-ten-years-according-to-nearly-300-experts/ 

Editor’s note: Now for some pure speculation - albeit from some seasoned soothsayers.

Picture a world with competing power centers, an unstable Russia stumbling into its post-Putin era, a nuclear-armed Iran emerging in the midst of an unruly nuclear age, and a United Nations incapable of carrying out its core functions—including convening the world’s countries to tackle problems, such as climate change, that no one state can solve and that pose a grave threat to global security and prosperity.

That’s just a glimpse into the future that leading global strategists and foresight practitioners forecast when the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security surveyed them in November on how they expect the world to change over the next ten years.

If this sketch leaves you gloomy, you’re in good company: Sixty percent of the experts who participated in our annual Global Foresight survey think the world will be worse off a decade hence. 

But despite the pessimism about the overall direction of global affairs that many expressed, their responses also turned up cause for hope when we asked more specific questions regarding geopolitics, the environment, disruptive technology, the global economy, and other domains.

The survey results are avaible via the url above.

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